May 21, 2023
Dear Resurrection Family,
God is a God of second chances-that is the good news of the gospel. As you know, we at ECR are working to pay down the mortgage we have with the Diocese of Central Florida. Lots of thanks to our "ECR Second Chance Team" who have worked so hard in this effort: Karen Beeghly, Tom Britt, Earle Charles, Dan Croom, Jill Croom, Wally Hallowes, Al Lovisek, Mark Manfre, Beverly Paulk, Marc Ruffini, Don Shires, Robert Utsey, and Larry Woods.
In 2021 the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection nearly closed due to debt, but the combination of generosity from parishioners and the Diocese of Central Florida acquiring the balance of the mortgage prevented that--for again, God is a God of Second Chances. In 2021 there were five major challenges that needed to be addressed at ECR: 1) Stabilize the congregation, 2) Grow the congregation, 3) Secure a tenant to lease the school property, 4) Increase stewardship to balance the budget, and 5) Pay down/pay off the mortgage. By God's grace and blessing, combined with lots of hard work and a substantial increase in stewardship (pledges for 2023 are nearly $100,000 higher than 2022), the first four of these major challenges have been met. We have also had significant growth in membership and attendance, with over 30 people confirmed in 2022, and since then another approximately 60 more new regular attendees at ECR. God is richly blessing ECR.
The last of the five major challenges is to pay down/pay off the mortgage. First, a very sincere THANK YOU to all of you who have already contributed toward this goal-your amazing generosity is greatly appreciated! As of today, the current mortgage principal balance is $1,680,345. During 2023 the Diocese of Central Florida is allowing ECR to pay only 1% interest (approximately $17,000) with no payments toward the principal. In September 2023 representatives of ECR will meet with the Diocese of Central Florida to determine a payment plan (principal and interest) beginning January 2024. We have been graciously given this window of time to pay down significantly, or pay off completely, this mortgage, before those payments begin.
As we receive God's grace in Jesus Christ and share that grace with one another and the world here at ECR, paying down/paying off the mortgage would render many short-term and long-term benefits. The enclosed brochure lists many of these benefits and includes specific ways you can help us pay down this mortgage, and the enclosed Naming Opportunities sheet includes more opportunities.
Our ECR Second Chance Team and I humbly ask you for a generous donation toward paying down this mortgage. An "ECR Second Chance" response card is enclosed. Please submit your response card by June 30, 2023-or you can email your response card information to our Financial Administrator, Jill Chester (jchester@resurrectionlongwood.org ). Later this year we will hang a plaque in the church with nameplates of all those who contribute toward this. Thanks so much for your consideration in this important effort-every gift will help! As always, I continue to pray God's richest blessings for you!
Grace upon Grace,
The Rec Dr. Dave Johnson, Rector

Printable Second Chance Response Card
View the Second Chance Opportunity Information Brochure
Printable Second Chance Naming Opportunity Selection Form
View the Second Chance Naming Opportunity Selection Options
Make a One Time Donation